We Move California Live

For starters, the event is happening. It’s firmly set for Tuesday, March 30 at the Huntington Beach Hyatt Resort. We can thank (I guess) the recall momentum of Governor Gavin Newsom for ensuring that we can finally bring you a live gathering. In case you’re not following the state news these days, the needed signatures for the recall were obtained this week, meaning a vote is almost certainly going to take place this spring. Even though it’s broadly believed that he will survive the recall, Governor Newsom is getting the message loud and clear that residents have had it with the arbitrary lock downs and mixed messages that he, himself, has not adhered to. After his approval rating plummeted to below 40 percent last month, Newsom immediately opened up outdoor dining. Now he’s tackling school openings. Each week, Californians are being given back their freedoms while the state is working on overdrive to get the vaccine distributions out – ASAP. It’s time for us to get out there, meet with local businesses and sell transportation services!

The “We Move California Live” conference is a 1-day event, set in a TedTalks format. The speakers are experts in areas that matter to you including – weddings and special events, meetings and hotel events, tours and retail travel, luxury travel and business travel. I am also providing you with a state of the industry that is data-driven information to help navigate these coming months. A final note is our closing session, hosted by GCLA president Mo Garkani and our legislative committee chair Mark Stewart. This session addresses the GCLA members’ Top Concerns which include the life past Prop 22, government financial help, insurance and the fleet crisis that everyone is facing.

There will be time for networking and brainstorming. We will have chat groups that are able to be out by the pool and in the amazing courtyard spaces throughout the venue gardens.

Even though we are still tweaking the program, I urge you to sign up now. As of today, we can only host 200 people (the number may increase but don’t take that risk). The event is $50 for members. The bulk of the event is being subsidized by our generous sponsors. I’ll be sure to make noise about all of them in the coming weeks. We are just days away from launching our new website so make note: www.gcla.show will be live soon!